Common Questions Funeral Homes Hear

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Dayton, Ohio funeral homes

Dayton, Ohio funeral homes get some unusual questions from time to time, but they also get some very common questions when people are planning their funerals or the funerals of their loved ones.


One of the most common questions that your funeral home has been asked is, “What happens after a person dies?” While this is a question best answered by your belief system and not one that your funeral home can answer for you, your funeral home will patiently listen as you talk through what you believe happens after death, and they will offer you reassurance, comfort, and support.


Another very common question that is asked at your funeral home is, “How do I know what my loved one wants for their funeral?” Unfortunately, some people do not write down for or tell their families what kind of funeral they want. This puts an extra burden on the family when they’re making funeral arrangements because they want to do what they believe their loved one would have wanted.


While the funeral home can’t specifically give you the answer to this question, they have the knowledge and experience to guide you through coming to an answer by asking the right questions about your loved one.


Once you’ve answered those questions, then the funeral home can give you suggestions about how you might plan a funeral that reflects who your loved one was and what they would have probably wanted.


This is one of the hardest parts of the funeral planning process when a loved one hasn’t preplanned their funeral, so when you are having to do this for your loved one, it should make you think about making sure your own funeral plans are documented and communicated to your family so that they can go to the funeral home with the confidence that you will get the funeral you want.


Whether it’s required that a deceased loved one be present and/or viewed during the funeral is another common question that funeral homes are asked. The answer to this question depends on how you and your family feel about having your loved one present and/or viewed during the funeral.


Perhaps your loved one was ravaged by a terminal illness that changed their appearance so drastically that no one who knew them would recognize them. In that case, you might want your loved one present with the casket closed during the entire funeral.


Maybe you’re just not comfortable having your loved one’s casket open because you don’t want that to be your last memory of seeing them. This would also be an instance where you might want your loved one present without the casket is open.


Your funeral home professionals will be able to offer you guidance and advice, with the reassurance that whatever you decide is okay.


Your funeral home hears another common question frequently: “Can I do something special for my loved one during their funeral service?” Your funeral home staff will make every effort to accommodate any special requests or added features you want for your loved one’s funeral.


Your funeral home offers many services that are designed to incorporate special features – like tribute videos and live-streamed services – into your loved one’s funeral service. They also have a wide network of community resources to draw upon.

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If, for instance, you’d like someone to perform a live song at your loved one’s funeral but you don’t know anyone who can do it, your funeral home can recommend a number of local vocalists (and provide video clips of them performing) that you can choose from.


When you have questions about funerals at Dayton, Ohio funeral homes, our compassionate and experienced staff at Glickler Funeral Home & Cremation Service can help.

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